Hush Money or Election Interference?

By Bob Gould

The media continues to dodge the truth by calling Trump’s trial the “hush money” trial. This grossly minimizes what happened. Trump illegally influenced the 2016 election through a scheme to “catch and kill” by attempting to prevent the publishing of information about his having sex with a porn star, and he broke laws by using campaign contributions to cover it up. Significantly, Trump then lied about it and enlisted others to do the same. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen, who paid the porn star, spent a year in prison for his involvement. The media should call it Trump’s election interference trial.

Consider what would have happened if voters in 2016 learned that women accused the Republican presidential nominee of having affairs, including while his wife was home with their new baby. Now consider what the impact if the allegations were published right around the time the world saw video of Trump bragging that he grabs women by their genitals. If a significant number of voters were affected, it might have changed the trajectory of a close presidential race.


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